How to have harmonious Relationship

Get your How to have harmonious Relationship!


Discover 3 ways how you can use Human Design to have harmonious relationships. Everything starts with you, knowing how you are meant to function in alignment is a prerequisite for harmonious and aligned relationships.

You will align with 3 of your centers.  THROAT for communication, EMOTIONAL SOLAR PLEXUS for working with emotions and SACRAL for life-force energy.

According to Human Design, these centers can be colored in (defined) or white ( undefined/open). The definition here matters because they behave differently. Do not worry, in this report is everything explained in a way you will understand and be able to apply immediately.

My intention is to help you understand how you are meant to work in alignment with yourself, accept yourself and see yourself as a unique being who you are. And so it will help to let go of programming, limitations and SHOULDs / SHOULDNOTs you were taught, so you can be happy, and in a harmonious relationship by using and owning your uniqueness.